As required by Section 36.108(e), Texas Water Code, a
meeting of the Groundwater Management
Area 14 Joint Planning Committee, comprised of representatives from the
following groundwater conservation districts located wholly or partially within
Groundwater Management Area 14: Bluebonnet GCD, Brazoria County GCD, Lone Star
GCD, Lower Trinity GCD, and Southeast Texas GCD, will be held on Tuesday November 19, 2024 beginning at 10:00 A.M. at the offices of the
Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District, located at 655 Conroe Park North,
Conroe, TX 77303.
The items
of business to be considered and transacted during the meeting are as follows:
1. Call to order;
2. Confirmation of receipt of posted
3. Welcome and introductions;
4. Public comment;
5. Discussion and possible action to
approve minutes of the May 14, 2024 and August 29, 2024 GMA 14 Joint Planning
6. Update from Texas Water Development
Board (TWDB) and discussion of any related items of interest to GMA 14;
7. Review, discuss and consider member
district management plans as required by Chapter 36.108(c);
8. Update from
Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District regarding progress on the
district’s coring project and Gulf2023 Model update request;
9. Discussion and
possible action regarding the path forward for GMA 14 and the development of
the Desired Future Conditions (DFCs) including but not limited to the consideration
of submitted responses to GMA 14’s RFQs for a DFC consultant, or in the absence
of receiving any responses to the RFQs, discussion on how to proceed with the
development of the of the DFCs for the current round of joint planning;
10. Discussion and possible action regarding
next meeting date, location, and agenda items;
11. Meeting Adjourned;
Comments concerning any aspect of this
meeting should be directed to Mr. John Martin of the Southeast
Texas Groundwater Conservation
District, P.O. Box 1407, Jasper, TX 75951;
[email protected], or (409) 383-1577.
Come to hand and posted on a Bulletin Board in the Courthouse, County, Texas, on this, the
day of , 2024.
John Martin, Chairman
GMA 14 Planning Group
Deputy Clerk
County, Texas
This meeting is also available for viewing via livestream at:
These public meetings are available to all persons regardless
of disability. If you require special
assistance to attend the meeting please contact the Southeast Texas Groundwater
Conservation District, (409) 383-1577, at least three working days prior to the
meeting, so that appropriate arrangements can be made.