Texas Groundwater
NOTICE is given that the Board of Directors of the Southeast Texas Groundwater
Conservation District will hold a monthly board meeting on Thursday November 14,
2024 starting at 10:00 a.m., at the Jasper County Courthouse Annex Building,
Emergency Operations Center (2nd floor), at 271 East Lamar, Jasper,
Texas 75951 in accordance with the Texas Open Meeting Act, Chapter 551 of the
Texas Government Code or (as amended).
Regular Board
The items of business to be considered
and transacted during the meeting are as follows:
1. Call to order;
2. Public comment;
3. Discussion
and possible action to approve the minutes of the October 10, 2024 Board meeting;
4. Discussion
and possible action regarding the monthly Treasurer’s Report and approval of
payables presented;
6. Discussion and possible action
regarding SB 1893’s requirement to adopt a policy prohibiting
“covered applications” and the creation of a new policy incorporating SB 1893’s requirements and the District’s current iPad Policy;
7. Discussion and possible action regarding
district website development allowing for several current processes to be
streamlined such as well registrations, and pumping data submittals, and an
offer by Blue Vault Technologies to develop a beta system for review and consideration;
8. Manager’s Report to include:
update regarding GMA 14, update regarding regional water planning, update
regard TAGD executive/budget committee meeting, replacement well application
received from Evadale W.C. & I.D., and drought conditions;
9. Establish date, time and place of next
meeting; and;
These public meetings are available to all persons
regardless of disability. If you require
special assistance to attend the meeting please contact the Southeast Texas
Groundwater Conservation District, (409) 383-1577, at least three working days
prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made.