Ensuring an abundant supply of freshwater for generations to come.

Protecting our mostvaluable resource

The Southeast Texas Groundwater Conservation District was confirmed in November 2004 by the voters of Jasper and Newton Counties and November of 2005 by the voters of Hardin and Tyler Counties. The main function of the District is to manage the groundwater resources of the Gulf Coast Aquifer, within the District, to ensure that we have an abundant supply of freshwater for generations to come.
Southeast Texas Groundwater Conservation District

The Southeast Texas Groundwater Conservation District has established rules and policies regarding the registration of and operations for all water wells within the District, which includes Hardin, Jasper, Newton, and Tyler Counties.
The District is assisted by the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) who provides invaluable technical data regarding groundwater resources. The TWDB ensures that the Groundwater Availability Models and the data contained there-in is current and accurate which allows the district to manage the groundwater resources more effectively. The District also coordinates its planning efforts with Groundwater Management Area 14 (GMA 14) and East Texas Regional Water Planning Group I.